Onderzoeksnetwerk triage en urgentie-indeling

RAV’s die deelnemen aan het onderzoeksnetwerk triage en urgentie-indeling:

- Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe
- IJsselland
- Zuid-Holland Zuid

Regionale onderzoeken m.b.t. onderzoeksthema triage en urgentie-indeling

De regionale onderzoeken die de RAV’s, behorende bij dit onderzoeksnetwerk, bij AZN aanmelden, worden hieronder opgenomen.

  • Pre-hospitaal onderzoek aanmelden? Graag! Dat kan via deze link.
Clinical evaluation of pRe-hOSpital StROke triAge DeviceS (CROSSROADS)
The main objective of CROSSROADS is to validate the use of two high-potential triage devices for large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke in the pre-hospital setting. These devices are: 1. TrianecT EEG, developed by TrianecT which uses electroencephalography (EEG) and AI algorithms to detect LVO stroke; and 2. NovaGuide System, which uses transcranial Doppler (TCD) and is developed by NovaSignal.
To determine frequency of technical failures and user-friendliness according to paramedics of both the TrianecT and NovaSignal devices.
To perform a health economics assessment of both the TrianecT and NovaSignal devices.
Betrokken organisaties
Kennemerland, Limburg
Algorithm development through artificial intelligence for the triage of stroke patients in the ambulance using electroencephalography (AI-STROKE)
The primary objective of this study is to develop one or more novel AI-based algorithms (the AI-STROKE algorithms) with optimal diagnostic accuracy for identification of LVO stroke in patients with a suspected AIS in the prehospital setting, based on ambulant EEG data.
Assessing the diagnostic accuracy of existing EEG algorithms for identification of LVO stroke in patients with a suspected AIS in the prehospital setting.
Improving the applicability and reliability of the dry electrode EEG cap for use in the prehospital setting.
Assessing the logistical and technical feasibility of ambulance paramedics performing ambulant EEGs, using an improved dry electrode EEG cap, in the prehospital setting in patients with a suspected AIS.
Betrokken organisaties
Noord-Holland Noord, Amsterdam
EEG controlled triage in the ambulance for acute ischemic stroke (ELECTRA-STROKE)
The primary objective of this diagnostic study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of dry electrode EEG for detection of a large vessel occlusion stroke, when performed by ambulance personnel in the prehospital setting in patients with a suspected stroke.
Determining the diagnostic accuracy for detection of large vessel occlusion stroke of several existing EEG data based algorithms (e.g. Weighted Phase Lag Index, delta/alpha ratio).
Assessing the logistical and technical feasibility of ambulance personnel performing dry electrode EEG in the prehospital setting in patients with a suspected stroke.
Developing one or more novel EEG-based algorithms with an optimal diagnostic accuracy for detection of large vessel occlusion stroke in patients with a suspected stroke with ambulant dry electrode EEG.
Betrokken organisaties
Noord-Holland Noord, Amsterdam

Landelijke onderzoeken m.b.t. onderzoeksthema triage en urgentie-indeling

Verbeterde urgenties
Hoofd- en deelvragen
Volgen binnenkort.
Betrokken organisaties
AZN, Nivel

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