Ambulance Dispatch Centre
The ambulance dispatch centre is an integral part of the RAV.
Virtually every region has a co-location dispatch centre. This means that ambulance care, fire service and police staff use the same location and facilities. This location and facilities are managed bij The Police.
The ambulance dispatch centre plays a central role in the process of ambulance care. It determines whether ambulance care is necessary and/or desirable, and the level of urgency. The ambulance dispatch centre then ensures that the correct ambulance care or other form of care is provided at the right time and in the right place. If necessary, the ambulance dispatch centre instructs the caller on what to do while waiting for the ambulance. Finally, it supports the ambulance crew en route and at the scene. The ambulance dispatch centre is therefore the coordinator of ambulance care and the gatekeeper for access to acute care.
The implementation of care coordination is currently taking place (2024/2025). A part of the function from the ambulance dispatch centre will be able to be carried out from this care coordination center.